We had an amazing weekend here in the mission. We had the opportunity to watch the General Conference at our stake center and we even watched it in English... well I did, my companion decided to watch it in Spanish. If I watch it in Spanish I always can hear how they start off in English so then I try to hear what they say and then I miss what they said in Spanish haha... so better if I just watch it in English from the beginning! This was probably one of the more special conferences for my companion and me. We had the amazing opportunity of baptizing one of our investigators in between the first and second sessions of the Sunday conference. A couple weeks back we baptized a kid named Angel Miguel. He is about 13-14 years old and his mom came to his baptism. After he got baptized she said, ´´well if my son is getting baptized and my daughter is already a member, I think I will get baptized also.´´ She was a golden investigator. She already seemed like a member before she got baptized. It was pretty strange baptizing her in the Stake Center because we are use to doing it in our church. The baptismal font in the Stake Center was really badly designed. It is a room that opens up a curtain in a hallway and on the other side of the hallway opens up another curtain so they are two rooms with the hallway in the middle. So during the program there were people walking by constantly which was pretty annoying, but there was a pretty big show out for her baptism which was exactly what she wanted. It was really special!
Love Elder Ivie
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