Provo Temple |
Well it is my final week here in the MTC, or my last Saturday and Sunday. We leave at 5:05 in the morning on Monday! I am so excited to get out and be in the real world! We had a pretty great last week! During personal study on Wednesday, we watched a talk by Jeffery R Holland called, "Like a broken Vessel." At the end of the talk he tells a story of this girl that gets in a plane crash with her husband. He is thrown out of the plane and she is stuck inside and is being burned alive. There is an Elder in our zone and that lady is his aunt! He left last week and so he gave us a note that was written to her. Apparently she comes to the MTC every Wednesday and talks to the missionaries. Me and Elder Ainge got to go and talk to her and gave her the note from her nephew. It was a really cool experience.
We also had TRC Skype on Thursday. We got to give a 30 minute lesson to a member that was somewhere near our missions. The member we taught was actually from Mexico City. It was awesome! She talked so fast it was ridiculous! We had to tell her a couple times that we didn't understand what she was saying. I can't wait till I will be able to talk that fast, if I ever get that fluent with the language.
After general conference on Sunday we had a devotional in the evening. Usually they have a speaker but this Sunday they had BYU vocal point come! It was way cool! Each one of the members bore their testimony and they sang a bunch of songs for us. The very last song they sang was "Nearer My God to Thee" It was really good! It was probably one of my favorite devotionals that we have had.
How I marked my scriptures |
I have been reading the Book of Mormon everyday since I came to the MTC. I started from the very beginning and I finished it today. It is a great feeling to have been able to read the entire Book of Mormon. I am excited to go through it again and have a question in mind and highlight anything that relates to that question. I am going to make a collection of book of mormons with different questions. I got that idea from a talk by Elder Bednar I believe.
Last night I gave Elder Harley a haircut in the bathroom! It was the first time I had ever cut someones hair and it looked pretty good. I asked this Tongan how they usually cut the hair on peoples necks and he just took over and finished the entire thing. I thought I did pretty good.
Me getting a haircut from Elder Ainge |
We went to the temple this morning and did a endowment session then had breakfast afterwards. It was sooo good! They have the best breakfast's there. I got an omelet, hash browns, bacon, and a cinnamon roll. Didn't even have to have lunch because it was sooo good!
My District |
We started packing up all our stuff today. It is a weird feeling packing everything back into your suitcases. It almost seems like you are going to a whole new mission which we pretty much are. I am so excited to leave!
I hope everyone else has been having a great week!
Love Elder Ivie
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