New Missionaries |
My first week here in Mexico has been crazy! I arrived on Monday at about 4:00 and was greeted by my Mission President. He is awesome! We talked a bunch about the mission and about other things. He brought me and one other Elder from my flight back to the offices, where we met the other 16 Elders and 1 Hermana. We all got to know each other and they had to translate a bunch of stuff because half of us were English and the other half Spanish. We had tacos al pastor for dinner but they said they weren´t very good but I thought they were. We stayed the night there and then in the morning we went to the stake center and met all of the missionaries.
Companion Elder Alverio |
I got introduced to my new trainer... aka ´´my dad´´ Elder Alverio. He is from Puerto Rico and has been out on his mission for 3 months! I guess they liked him so much and he was doing such a good job that they had him be a trainer and I got the privilege to be his companion. He is awesome! My area is in Los Reyes, the Texcoco area. There are four larger areas in my mission and the one I am in right now is the smaller of the four. I love it so far. I am in half country and half city. It is amazing here though. I can be walking down the street and it looks like I am in Paris or something and then I can turn a corner and I am in the biggest dump ever. It is amazing. Some of the peoples houses here are so much nicer than they look from the outside. They all have walls around them so you can never see what it looks like till you go on the other side of the wall.
My first day with my companion was pretty tough. The language is what is killing me. I have no clue whatsoever what people are saying or asking me. They look right at me and say something and I either say, um I don´t know or si. haha I am just really glad my companion is able to speak both english and spanish very fluently. He saves me so many times. I have tried to contact people on the streets all the time but once I start talking I draw a blank and dont know what to say at all, so then my companion comes in and says something.
My apartment, we live on the top floor. |
The food here has been really good so far. The first meal I had was a soup with a chicken breast in it with lettuce and big pieces of corn in the bottom. I was not able to finish it at all. I got yelled at for not finishing to. Later on I found out that all the meals they give you here start out with soup, then they give you the actual food. They feed you so much! I am going to weigh 250 by the time I get home!
My first Sunday here we were late for sacrament meeting but once we walked in I sat down and my companion was like stand up, I guess they were introducing me. They had me go up to the front and say something and I was caught so off guard. I just walked up and said, ´´Hello brothers and sisters, my name is Elder Ivie, I am from the United States, Utah. I am very thankful to be here with you all and to serve the lord´´ then I sat down again. I guess they wanted a lot more from me but that as good as my spanish is so far haha. We did do three baptism confirmations that sunday. They do the confirmations on sunday after the speakers in sacrament meeting. Kind of different I guess.
From Sister Stutznegger "This young man decided to pick these two Elders as his companions." |
Overall I am liking it. I just wish I knew what the people were saying so I could reply to them in spanish. I know over time I will speak better spanish. Hope everyone has been having a good week!
Love Elder Ivie
The top of my apartment |
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