This week me and my companion planned to go to Teotihuacan again because he has been here for a year
and has never been. We were then told that we were going to be going to a place called La Guarda which is a ranch that the church has up in the mountains where they have EFY and stuff. It was really nice!
We planned to take food and cook up there and everything. We then rented a van and had a member drive us up there to meet up with the other two zones. While we were there we played kickball, basketball, volleyball and some soccer of course, we're in mexico haha! We then had some zone conferences and came back to our area to write real quick.

On Sunday we had a pretty interesting lesson at the end of the day! We contacted a family and said we could pass by at a certain time on Sunday. We showed up and they forgot about us and had friends over. They still let us in. We started talking and found out that the dad works for transportation and gave a ride for free the other day. We then taught them about the Restoration and they talked a lot so it was a really long lesson. Afterwards they invited us to eat dinner and so we said yes not to be rude. We were talking about how we were going to be having a party up in the mountains with a bunch of other missionaries and were going to be making hamburgers. They then asked what we were going to do for drinks. We told them that we were going to buy some water jugs with flavor packets. They then told us to take some of their drinks because they have a store. We told them we were fine but they wouldn't take no for an answer. They have us 125$ (pesos) worth of soda! They are an awesome family and we ended up getting 5 new investigators that night. We are going to be going to their house sometime this week to help with some things around the house to work off the sodas!

We had another pretty interesting lesson with a less active. She had been having a lot of problems with her ex husband and was telling us a bunch of the things that has happened and so we kind of had an idea on what she was going through. She then started saying how sometimes she doesn't think God listens to her prayers and that she doesn't know what to do. She had a friend over also during the lesson. My companion shared a scripture in 2 Nephi 2:24 and explained how all things happen for a reason and that God knows what she is going through. Then I felt impressed to share D&C 101:6-8 which explains that there are always going to be hard times in life, and that sometimes when we aren't doing the things we should God is going to be slower to answer our prayers. I didn't really focus on the part about when we are doing the wrong things but I focused more on how it says he will be slow to answer our prayers. It never says that he will just leave us hanging out to dry. He will always answer us but sometimes it just takes longer than we want it to. It was a really spiritual lesson. She was tearing up the whole time. We then finished with a prayer and I looked up afterwards and saw that her friend was crying. I could tell she felt something during the lesson. I asked her if we could share a message with her and she was a little scared at first but said she would talk to her friend about it.
Overall we had a pretty great week! I hope everyone else had a great week and will during this week too!
Love Elder Ivie