Castle By Our Apartment |
Things have still been pretty hard here with the language and not being able to understand a lot of the things people are asking me and saying to me. We have been doing a lot of blessings for people in the
An Area in Coatlinch |
ward. Just yesterday we gave three blessings. I don´t dare give a blessing because I wouldn't know what to say or how to phrase things. I do the first part of the blessings where you anoint the oil. Hopefully I can get better at giving prayers and blessings and hopefully soon. We have been really busy this week! We got 5 new investigators this week and in the next couple weeks we hope to have 5 baptisms. The people have said yes but they haven't attended church yet.
Texcoco Central |
On Saturday we met with a Lady named Gloria, who was a reference from the other Elders in our district. They found her sitting in the church during one of the activities. When we met with her on Saturday she was really excited about meeting us and learning about our church. We asked her if she would follow the example of Jesus Christ and be baptized and she said yes! Me and my companion were so surprised! The next day we were walking to church and we looked across the street and saw Gloria walking to
Texcoco Central |
church with her little two year old girl. We were like NO WAY!!! I sat next to her during sacrament and testimony meeting. She wondered if she was able to go up and I was kind of hesitant and was like... umm yeah I guess so. She went up and talked about the blessings and curses that she has received from being obedient and disobedient, found in Deuteronomy 28 I believe. It was really intense and she talked for like 15 minutes! It was still really cool that she came and wants to make a change in her life for her little girl.
It is dia de los muertos right now in Mexico! On
Texcoco Central |
the 31st we had lunch at a members house and got home at about 5, and had to stay in all night. I guess it was supposed to be dangerous or something. The 31st is when they have Halloween parties and what not. Then the 1st and 2nd they celebrate even more. The 1st is where the little kids dress up and go house to house exactly like in Utah. Then the 2nd is when the adults have parties or something. I didn't take any pictures because we had to stay in but it was exactly the same as Halloween in Utah.
Today we went to Walmart to buy some things we needed. Before we went to Mcdonalds and got some breakfast. It was sooo good! The Walmart here is weird. It is inside of a mall. They sell a ton of weird things. They had a motorcycle for 28,000$ that is like 1,700$. It was a nice bike to! Things here are so cheap its awesome!
Hope everyone is having a good week. If I don't write you back personally today it is because we thought we had more time but we actually have to go to a meeting in Los Reyes so I will try to write everyone back next week.
Love Elder Ivie
Elder Alverio |
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